Monday, 16 March 2009

Growing Conversations

So far, to help talk through the issues involved in creating this new course, there have been conversations with people in Market Harborough Congregational Church, trainers within the Baptist Union, members of the CF Training Board, people in the South West Midlands Area and Scotland, and conversations are beginning with those responsible for similar courses in the URC ... so it is exciting to see possibilities opening up ... But could you too be part of the conversation? How might a local church resource be helpful to you, in your situation? What issues of discipleship are you facing? Do you have some insights to offer - or perhaps simply some questions to raise? Please contribute to the conversation. Thank you. (Graham Adams, Training Development.)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham, This sounds interesting. Just a thought for the moment. I feel that there is a need for a kind of pre Alpha/Christianity Explored kind of course. Some people are very removed from Church life.
