Friday, 22 May 2009

Growing Consensus

Of course, there's still a long way to go before this new programme is up and running, but recent conversations, including with the Congregational Federation Training Board, have given a positive sense of a growing consensus about the purpose and nature of 'Growing Disciples'. Namely:
1. This resource is not about the development of individual vocations, but helping churches to be churches - how can churches grow together, in confidence, with a shared sense of purpose?
2. While it is being designed as a coherent programme, which will make connections between the various parts of a church's life and experience, it will allow for churches using it in different ways - with a range of formats - and each church will be encouraged to decide from the start: What do we intend to get out of this process? So it will help churches evaluate what they get up to.
3. Because it serves a different purpose from other bits of CF training, it will not be designed to set people off on particular training tracks - it serves its own purpose, to build up churches' confidence and sense of purpose as communities of disciples, which is valid and essential in its own right.
4. We want churches to feel this is for them, whatever their circumstances, so it will be emphasised that it can be used in different ways - with support from the CF Areas, and resources and a forum on the website.
5. Its corporate learning will be underpinned by a constant Congregational ethos, inviting churches to reflect on what it means to be Congregational today - how does our form of church shape the way in which we communicate and demonstrate the Gospel?
6. The programme materials will be attractive and varied. If you want your church to help pilot them, get in contact. Piloting will begin towards the end of 2009, and the launch will be next May.
So - watch this space, follow the story, start spreading the word - a programme to help Congregational churches reflect on what they're doing and grow in confidence is coming soon ...

Friday, 1 May 2009

Growing Interest

It has been good, in recent weeks, to see the idea of this new course being talked about rigorously in different contexts. At the Congregational Ministers' Conference people raised some interesting questions, and again at the recent 'training weekend', when students were invited to comment on the current thinking - not all of them new questions, but this shows that we're probably right to be working out how best to address particular issues: (1) How can churches be made to feel this is a course for them? By seeking to show what its benefits are likely to be - people getting over different kinds of hurdles which hold them back, people growing in confidence, people growing in relationship with each other, people believing new things are possible, churches building a sense of purpose and vision together, churches building a sense of the connection between learning together and doing mission together... (2) How can people be persuaded that they wouldn't need a trained leader to deliver the course? By making it clear that this course isn't about delivering lots of new information, but is about giving people useful questions, to help them explore together what they're about, by showing that it has worked in other contexts, and by making the material accessible - with a wide range of methods for different church groups to choose from... (3) Would people really commit to a whole course? If it's emphasised that it's about discipleship, and how we grow together, people could be encouraged to stay the course - especially if it meets the needs of churches, offering biblical ways of exploring a wide range of themes - different ways of learning, being creative in worship, relating to the culture around us, caring for one another, making decisions together, thinking ethically, and doing mission - all things which matter in our churches... So, let me know if your interest is growing, if you think your church might be interested in piloting some materials, if you can see some good questions to explore together, if you see some challenges we need to face - or if you want to help promote this new venture in your Area, to get other people on board. All contributions welcome!